Sunday, April 18, 2010

These things are worth something.






also, here's my video blog:
I sound like Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail when she's all, "Don't you think daisies are the friendliest flower?" only...with a deeper voice.

What inspired the background music: Hello Goodbye - Glee

Tomorrow: Tolerance.


Kristen said...

Yes. Love is definitely worth something. :)

And you are so adorably awesome in your video and I love you tons. Get better soon!

Bethany Sherman said...

Aww Katie I agree with Kristen that you were so adorable in your video!!!!!!
I hope you will get better very soon! :-)
Love you!

Art said...

no, no, your video was wonderful. :)

A&A said...

You are so FREAKING adorable. Ack. And, one of my favorite music video/lip synchers evAR. true story.

Gulliver's Travels was so NOT boring, watchu talking 'bout Willis?!