Saturday, October 30, 2010

there's not a single sentence I like in this paper I'm writing.

In other news, I keep listening to:

Monday, October 25, 2010

NaNoWriMo's coming up...

so I figured I owed you all a blog post before I completely disappear for a month. (j/k Morts...I will be there for Game Day...probably...)

November always seems to be an uber-productive month for me. I think, maybe, possibly, that may have something to do with my intense procrastination skills. Instead of working on my novel, I get work done. It's lovely.

if these guys weren't so lazy, I might have some of that to do as well ;) [and by lazy I mean...busy with important things, yes]

By the way, I epically failed my whole productive-new-thing-in-October challenge. I had much thinking to do, and also my art class started.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Don't blame me, I've been busy...busy forgetting about my blog again.

Sometimes I use the excuse Seamus Heaney did when he took so long to translate Beowulf:

To put it another way: from the point of view of
the writer, words in a poem need what the Polish poet Anna Swir once called "the equivalent of a biological right to life." The erotics of composition are essential to the process, some pre-reflective excitation and orientation, some sense that your own little verse-craft can dock safe and sound at the big quay of the language.

Also, I just really like the way Heaney writes, he's kinda awesome. The point of the quote from Swir was that inspiration can't be forced, and an epic work (like translating Beowulf, or creating your own art) is as much a matter of excited motivation as it is preparedness.

I woke up this morning with "Hips Don't Lie" stuck in my head. So, it barely needs to be said that I had a pretty awesome day.

I would like to mention again that Kelsea Mort is awesome. Just so you all remain aware.

Unrelated...some football pictures:

Also, the Yankees just won the first game of the ALCS. OH YES.

& you should listen to all the music on this website: