Friday, February 26, 2010

Independence is Overrated.

[Hey, Zab, listen up, this is me being more specific about something I was vague on before ;)]

Remember that time I was all "I learned a lot on tour" and "I'll tell you about it sometime". Sometime is now.

I have been saying that the biggest lesson tour taught me was to trust, but before that, I needed to learn that I needed to learn to trust.

I've spent most of my life looking for ways to accomplish things on my own; I've always hated asking for help, appearing weak, or seeming like I didn't know what I was doing (even if I didn't, I liked to seem like I did, which is a whole other story that involves my eventual personal commitment to total honesty).

It was actually the insistence of a particular teammate that got me to consider, not for the first time, but perhaps seriously for the first time, the idea that I couldn't live like I had been. It's not possible to live independently of everyone else. We all need people. Not in the same sense that we need God, of course. Anyone could live without people, but not in the way God desires us to.

He tells us to commune together, to live, and work, and love together. Each individual Christian is a member of the Christian body. Inseparable.

I can't go it alone; as they say.

I've become quite adept at...googling my problems. That can be taken in so many ways, I guess, but what I mean is just that if I ever need to figure out anything (like a technological problem, or the answer to a simple question) I'll probably ask Google first.
This philosophy, for a long time, flowed into my personal "issues", not that I have many, but...if I was ever frustrated I tended to keep it to myself, because I didn't want to "bother" anyone with my "problems". Gee, that's a lot of air quote usage. Not to say I'm not self-centered, I am, obviously, since I'm a person, but I liked to pretend that I could make everyone else think that I wasn't. By never asking for help. Ever.

Alone, as it were, without my family, for an extended period of time, for the first time, tour forced me to reconsider.

What if I did need to talk to someone? Tour is an awesome experience; but it can be stressful too, and exhausting--both physically and emotionally.

Have you ever heard the expression "it'll feel better just to tell someone"? Yeah, well, I always ridiculed such statements, because I wanted to see how long I could do it alone.

I wasn't fooling anyone though, I wasn't doing it alone, anyway...I wouldn't be where I am without God holding my hand, carrying me, the whole way. I was an idiot to believe I could do anything alone.

And who was I to shun the helping hand of my brothers and sisters in Christ?

When I got to this point; when I saw through my own self-deception, that is when I realized that I would have to learn to trust. And that's another story for another day.

Sorry this was kinda long, thanks for sticking around if you did :)


p.s. Mom, this doesn't mean I never trusted you, or the rest of our family, I do and I have. This was more directed to...people outside our immediate family. Just to clear that up. =)

Monday, February 22, 2010

"I wanna be laughed at, laughed with, just because."

Song I can't stop listening to: "Weightless" by All Time Low

"I've been goin' crazy, I don't wanna waste another minute here."

I have no profound thoughts today. In fact, I rarely have profound thoughts.
But, generally, some thought should be put into a blog post, I suppose.

I've been thinking recently about where I should go to college, and also, what I should study. I used to want to become a photographer, which would probably entail me getting a business degree and taking photography classes...

But, once I thought about it, I really don't want to be a photographer. Not professionally. I want to take pictures the way I want to (which sounds selfish when you write it down). I extremely dislike being told what to take pictures of, or how, or when, or why...I love taking pictures. So for now that shall remain somewhere else in my life.

I considered studying history further; because I've always enjoyed peering into the past and glimpsing the same mistakes and triumphs of today play out on an older stage. But...I will just have to keep thinking.

"I wanna feel weightless, 'cause that would be enough."

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Pride & Prejudice

Yeah, I read it.
I don't have much to say about it.
Except that Mrs. Bennet has the saddest life in the world.
I mean, all she cares about is getting her daughters married.

Also, it was about...Pride and...Prejudice. You probably already knew that.

The real point of this post [if I even have one] is that I have so missed reading. Books in particular. I haven't really read a book through for a long time [before last week when I read Republic] and I plan on doing it more often. I'm not gonna go all "Michael" on you and inflict upon myself a certain number of books to read, but I will insist that you all hunt me down and threaten my life if I stop reading altogether ever again. There is no excuse.


song I've been listening to over & over this week: Two Princes by Spin Doctors

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Two Important Discoveries.

1. The Princess Bride has the perfect definition of love in three words: "As you wish."

2. Gilmore Girls has what I like to call "The Wizard of Oz Factor"
What I mean to say is...
you can relate anything to Gilmore Girls if you've seen enough of it
[as it is with the Wizard of Oz]

think about it...mother-daughter relationships...Auntie Em as a maternal figure for Dorothy.
there. i just connected Gilmore Girls to Oz.

I have discovered through personal experience that any impromptu topic can be connected to Oz.

I will make Gilmore Girls references more often, I think.
& I'll try to love like Wesley

Monday, February 1, 2010

Plato's "Republic"

Define: Justice