Saturday, April 3, 2010

Identity. {Who am I?}

"For every being cursed with self-awareness there remains the unanswerable question: Who am I?"

I am an ISFJ. {i think}
I am a salsa con queso lover.
I am a photographer. {or as my mom would say: "phratographer"}
I am a writer. {sometimes}
I am a ginger.
I am prone to pack-ratedness.
I enjoy smiling.

But do I find my identity in these things?

I like categorizing myself, I think everybody does. (Yeah, even hipsters...especially hipsters). It to know I can place myself in any particular category or set of categories. I am a nerd, subset: Star Trek fan. I am funny, subset: occasionally.

I also like "figuring myself out", learning things about myself, realizing how I work. Hey, I like hot pockets. Good to know. Hey, I enjoy rap music. Also mighty good to know.

When I introduce myself I am introducing the person I think I am. When I say "Hello I'm Katie." I'm really saying, in so many words, "hello, my name is Katie and I hope you like me because I think you are cool and maybe I'm a little cool, too, even if I do get bad sunburns sometimes, and I don't always know what words to use in sentences and I stumble over my own insecurities and failures and...well, hello."

So if I'm presenting this front of myself to everyone I meet and interact with it's probably important for me to know who I am. I can get pretty confused about that some of the time (all of the time). I'd hate to be all "subliI'mawesomeminal" but at the same time an "I am not worthy to be in the same room as you" attitude can be annoying as well.

Who I am to myself determines (at least partially) who I am to other people.

Oh, but, oh, oh, OH!

"The ancient human question 'Who am I?' leads inevitably to the equally important question 'Whose am I?"

I am a child of God. In this I find my true identity. Nothing matters but loving Christ & joyfully obeying Him. To glorify Him with my every thought and breath should be the greatest desire of my heart. In Him I live, in Him I am truly alive, in Him...I am who I am supposed to be.

It isn't easy to remember that, it's so hard. But when I do, or when He reminds me, I know who I am. I know whose I am. I am His.

Oh, and Happy Easter. He is risen!

Song[s] I can't stop listening to: "Love You Madly" by Cake & "What Is Happening?" by Alphabeat
Tomorrow: Sleep[lessness?]


Caitriona said...

Thanks Katie for the reminder, as a child of God, I belong to Him. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the whole world.
I think we are in a constant state of becoming all that we were meant to be.....

Art said...

"I am a child of God. In this I find my true identity." Yes, yes!
