Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sometimes it cuts.

Paper, that is.

As a result of several months of hanging out with them, printers are now my friends. I have learned many things from them. That ink and toner always run out at the worst possible moment for instance. But also that every print job (and their mom) needs paper.

Paper comes with a sense of permanence you can't find in the electronic world. No matter how much more reliable files and emails and backup drives are than paper, the written word on the literal page always feels more concrete. Am I the only one that feels like this? I feel better when I have a copy of my novel/short story/debate case/autobiographical rap/etc. printed out and tucked away somewhere.

In a similar vein, a letter feels more sincere than an email (no matter how sincere you try to be in emails; personally, I am a big fan of sincerity all around). Maybe words in a person's own hand are more reminiscent of them personally (by "hand" here I mean "handwriting", not sure where your mind was going with that, but I envisioned a person carrying words a la Mr. Tumnus in The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe). Or maybe we just like to know that someone took the time to write something specifically for us, rather than just type up a quick email or Facebook wall post.

[Hey, don't get me wrong, I appreciate the occasional "ILY!!!!!" wall post. No, really, I actually like when people write on my wall. But now I've gotten off topic...]

Why do homeschoolers love letters so much? I think it might have to do with the fact that letters are generally awesome and awesome people recognize awesome things when they see them. Awesome. [I choose not to use this paragraph to make fun of homeschoolers...even though it's a super-effortless task]

Paper's interesting in another way, it can be used to deceive so easily. Counterfeit money, and falsified birth-certificates (not a political commentary in any sense of the word) are just a few examples of the power of paper.

[Power to the paper. Power to the people.]

Where was I? Truthiness. I like to write true things on paper (and on the computer too, I mean, I'm not picky about where I spread truth). Truth becomes a realer reality to me, when I write it down. Or when I read it. In a book that smells like the library. That's why the Kindle will never compare. Typeset words on a screen cannot feel sincere. My SAT-prep mindset is telling me that this paragraph has way too many disjointed sentences in it. Whatever.

In short, I like paper.

Song I listened to while writing this: Cannibal Resource - Dirty Projectors ("suggested" by Erin ;) []

Tomorrow: blue tinted glasses in a rose-colored world

p.s. I still need suggestions for my vlog, I mean, seriously guys, come on ;)


Bethany Sherman said...

I so agree with you there! Letters are much more meaningful than emails, facebook posts and etc..

And I do think that posting videos on your blog, and even pictures that you've taken would be amazing!!! I think that would be great!! :D

Art said...

Strangely, I feel like information isn't secure until I put it on the internet. I have printed SAT reports, printed impromptu topics, printed/handwritten debate notes, but I need to have a digital copy so it stays organized (or so I can find it without having to leave the compy). I rely too much on the internet/Google (sorry Hayley).

but, I totally agree about having physical letters. They are cool. And no backspace may make communication less edited. Also, I don't have a kindle and books are easily to travel with.

I did not realize that the double chin smilie was recognized by other people! :)

The problem is, I don't know what the purpose of the vlog is. So I don't know what kind of suggestions to give you...

A&A said...

"autobiographical rap" Have I ever mentioned that my subconscious is starting to associate you with the Fresh Prince?

"I rely too much on the internet/Google." The first step is recognizing you have a problem . . .