Monday, October 25, 2010

NaNoWriMo's coming up...

so I figured I owed you all a blog post before I completely disappear for a month. (j/k Morts...I will be there for Game Day...probably...)

November always seems to be an uber-productive month for me. I think, maybe, possibly, that may have something to do with my intense procrastination skills. Instead of working on my novel, I get work done. It's lovely.

if these guys weren't so lazy, I might have some of that to do as well ;) [and by lazy I mean...busy with important things, yes]

By the way, I epically failed my whole productive-new-thing-in-October challenge. I had much thinking to do, and also my art class started.

1 comment:

L.E. Fiore said...

All the best to you and your writing! :-)