Friday, June 11, 2010

I've been having a lovely, though work filled, time here in TN.

A few things I've learned so far:

  • How to order t-shirts (actually, i also know a lot about how not to order t-shirts :P)

  • Battlestar Galactica was taking up 10 gigs on my hard drive. Yeah, I moved it to the external.

  • Adam Hardy occasionally narrates his life, in either spoken word or a song =)

  • Journaling isn't as bad as I thought, it's a'ight.

  • It needs to rain less.

  • I am *never* going to have time to watch the Glee finale :P

  • I'm really, really excited about the coming events of the summer: the national convention, the secret trip, NAUMS, summer camp, tour prep, etc.
Sorry this post wasn't very lengthy or in-depth. But hey, it's a post ;)



Micah E. said...

Glee final was fantastic, btw

Unknown said...

Secret trip? uh oh O.o

A&A said...

I feel like I totally predicted the BG thing being a bad idea. Just saying!

NAUMS is an intriguing acronym, yo.

You should teach me about ordering t-shirts, cos like, the one time I did that was a total fail.

See, you're going to rock this consistently posting thing! [I believe in you.] [Also, after the Glee finale, I won't be able to hear Bohemian Rhapsody without thinking of birth. Which is an unfortunate association.]


Bethany Sherman said...

Sounds like you are having a great time in TN! :p
And yes journaling is kinda fun! hahah Continue to enjoy yourself! =) Love you!