Monday, June 28, 2010

are we drawn to our callings? (like an apple tree, i'm pretty sure you'll see)


I've been thinking a lot about...callings. Many people claim to know what they are called to do, even while a lot of people are confused and have no idea.

In terms of education, knowing what my calling is would probably help me to decide what to study, huh?

Can a calling be...something you love to do, want to do, feel led to do? Some sort of combination of the three?

I'm too tired to actually write down some well-thought out answer to the question. So, obviously, I'll just let ya'll answer. What do you think?

I think...
I believe God has a calling for everyone. For sure.
How easy it is to recognize another story.

& what if a person's calling contradicts their "life plan"? Does that mean all the planning and training was for naught? No, I know it doesn't because everything we experience is important in shaping who we are...

Yup, still really tired.

The bible clearly teaches that God works in the hearts of His creatures. If my heart is moved in a certain direction, does that mean I should follow it no matter what?

Then of course, the heart is a deceitful thing.

Oh, fooey. Goodnight.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

[i was just thinkin', and hey, i owed ya'll a post anyway]

everybody's heart's been broken
& even when it's been unspoken
there's been some affectionate token
that's awoken
the pain inside

when your heart shatters
it's how you react that matters

Friday, June 11, 2010

I've been having a lovely, though work filled, time here in TN.

A few things I've learned so far:

  • How to order t-shirts (actually, i also know a lot about how not to order t-shirts :P)

  • Battlestar Galactica was taking up 10 gigs on my hard drive. Yeah, I moved it to the external.

  • Adam Hardy occasionally narrates his life, in either spoken word or a song =)

  • Journaling isn't as bad as I thought, it's a'ight.

  • It needs to rain less.

  • I am *never* going to have time to watch the Glee finale :P

  • I'm really, really excited about the coming events of the summer: the national convention, the secret trip, NAUMS, summer camp, tour prep, etc.
Sorry this post wasn't very lengthy or in-depth. But hey, it's a post ;)


Friday, June 4, 2010

I think I should fly away from home.


Let's go.