Monday, April 5, 2010

"I'm so tired, I haven't slept a wink"

I tend not to get a lot of sleep.

It reminds me of that Beatles song. know i can't sleep, i can't stop my brain...

I know I should probably be getting more sleep than I do [hi mom!], but for some reason even if I go to bed early (for me "early" means "before midnight") I end up waking around 9-10ish, which is when I get up normally (by "normally" i mean "after going to bed past 1").

I like to imagine that the longer I stay up the more I can accomplish. But, really, who am I kidding? I can't get anything worthwhile done in the late hours of the night/early hours of the morning. (That doesn't include chatting with people, which is a beneficial & meaningful pursuit...usually.)

Sometimes I spend two hours reading xkcd/graphjam/MLIA/tfln/FB/other webcomics/etc. without thinking about it. I know, I know, I should keep better track of time. But when the sun's gone down and the schoolbooks have been put away, not even the seventy-two clocks we have in this house can help me remember how long it's been since I did anything productive.

I like reading. Reading is good. But I rarely read in the evenings. Therefore, I am now resolved to read more during the night. After all, lightbulbs were made for a reason. Help me out with this?


Tomorrow: Blind.


Art said...

reading in the evenings: I like that idea.

Bethany Sherman said...

Yay! You should defiantly read in the evening! I think that would be awesome! =)