Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Easter Bunny & Hope

It's perfectly alright to be disillusioned to the fantasies of Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.

But when I say I am "antidisillusionment" those types of true disillusionments are not what I'm talking about. Being freed from falsehood is of ultimate importance. I am, however, against the idea that you can be disillusioned to hope, or love or the possibility of peace.

Hope & love & peace aren't illusions we need to be woken from.

I hate when people say they've been disillusioned to hope. I (most confidently) say that there is always hope. Maybe it's corny of me to say it, and maybe you think I'm like a little kid still believing in Santa Claus, but...I don't care. I will always hope.

The delusion of disillusionment to hope or joy or love or peace or any other number of blessings is worse than any imaginable obscenities to nature's created beauty.

This was a little disjointed, sorry. I still love you all.

Song you should listen to: The Book of Love - Peter Gabriel

Tomorrow: Poker. (...face?)

1 comment:

A&A said...

Sarah goes, "I LOVE THAT SONG!"

Nothing depresses me more than cynicism.