Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A #2 Pencil & A Broken Heart
[just go look at it, i don't feel like figuring out how to make it show up on my layout right now]

Ah, it's that time again. Spring is in the air, and the SAT is just around the corner.

Last year I was pretty much totally freaking out, like a boss. But, it's true what they say, the SAT turned out to just be a longer version of the PSAT with an essay thrown in for good measure.

[Or, at least, they claim it's for good measure.]

I read the entire prep book, and took a couple of practice tests, so when that Saturday morning came I felt sleepy, but reasonably prepared. I definitely forgot that "the book" had told me to read/write something before I went into the test, so it wouldn't be the first thing I read/wrote that day, and then the first section ended up being the essay...oops. Let's just say, my first written words after a partially sleepless night did not end up being particularly insightful.

[sidenote: one of my reasons for doing BEDA is that it will help me to practice writing every day. Very needed.]

The test wasn't as scary as anticipated and didn't feel as long. But, looking back at it now, a year later, I am hesitant to go into the SAT a second time...very optimistically. Caution has always been my default emotion for these situations, and it has rarely failed me. So I will continue to plod through these SAT prep books, sharpening my #2 pencils, blogging and asking my brother for math help.

When April 30th comes, I will try to get a good night's sleep. & When I awake, to read and write a little. & Go in guarded, and mildly optimistic. I mean, I'm interested in the SAT, but I'm not gonna let it break my heart.

Songs I wrote this blog to: Baby - Justin Bieber (yes. true fact.) & First Day of My Life - Bright Eyes

Tomorrow: Home.

P.S. Great quote from Michael about the SAT: "I hate the way they make you apply your knowledge in new ways."


Art said...

Where do you get these awesome topics?

hardest part of the SAT for me: finishing the math section in time.
randomly, I wish I could give you my SAT prep book because I liked it so much. :P

A&A said...

Dood. Rocket Review for the win. Right, right?

Please kick the SAT's butt.

Bethany Sherman said...

I will be praying for you! I think you will do great on your SAT though! I really do! =)

Echoes in Ink said...

Go Kmac! I hope that SAT goes amazing, and I'll be praying for you.

I've never taken SAT/PSAT, but I test out of college classes weekly. I always finish 45 minutes early... though I haven't done math yet. My favorite part is writing the timed essay.