Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Jig is Up

or maybe the year almost is.

A lot has happened this year, and this is not going to be a highs-and-lows of the year regrets-and-triumphs blog post. Although I have nothing against those.

I will say, however, that this has been a lifechanging year for me. in many ways. someday I might tell you about it.

lyric overheard in a book store: "Gaps in my diary speak volumes about me."

song i've been listening to over & over: Get It Faster by Jimmy Eat World

quote: "If I had a fresh start I'd probably fail." -Gary Baker

I love you all.


"Today I bought a piece of pie. Its total, $3.14 I laughed out loud. The waitress didn't get it. MLIA"

"Today, my dad asked me if they deliver emails on Sundays. MLIA"

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