Recently I've been thinking a lot about time, how it's constantly slipping away, and we'll never get any of it back. At times it feels as if nothing I do is worth the time I spend on it.
There are the useless things: Joining Facebook groups, watching stupid movies, thoughts spent on nothing but TV, Internet, and celebrities. But there's also the things that matter, but somehow feel unimportant: Letting a friend know that I love them, reading a book someone recommended, writing a letter, making a phone call, drinking Emergen-C. I often loose sight of the importance of these things, because time is so important, and there's never enough of it.
Time is always tickin' away, and what I spend it on eventually adds up to what I do with my life. Do I want to have used a majority of my time up on useless, insignificant, unimportant things that will never matter in real life? I really don't, but I keep finding myself in situations where I can choose what to do with my valuable time and I choose to waste it. Checking my Facebook takes precedence over writing a new Apologetics card, or a letter to a friend, or spending time with my family.
My attitude has to change, and I know I really can't do that. Whenever I want to watch TV, waste time on my computer, or just veg out in my room, that's all me, my human nature. I'm slowly coming to realize that the only way I can escape this deep pit I keep falling into is by calling out to God, He's the only one that can change the status quo that is my wasteful attitude.
I've almost become numb to the verse that I use in almost every Apologetics round: 1 Corinthians 10:31: "Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. " I usually don't think about God, or how I'll glorify Him with what I'm doing, I usually think about myself, how much I'll enjoy or benefit from whatever I do.
I guess the point of all this, even though it's been said thousands of times before by thousands of people, is that our time should be spent on important things that focus on God rather than the things that our human nature longs to engage in, because time is not infinite, it will run out, and when we are out of time what will we have gained? Temporary enjoyment or everlasting joy in Christ?
1 comment:
Excellent post! Thanks for the reminder to use my time wisely. It's just so easy to let it slip through my fingers.
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