Robinson Crusoe is officially my favorite book of all time [after the bible]. Here are just a few of the great quotes from the novel:
"this was the station of life the infinitely wise and good providence of God had determined for me; that as I could not foresee what the ends of Divine wisdom might be in all this, so I was not to dispute His Sovereignty, who, as I was His creature, had an undoubted right by creation to govern and dispose of me absolutely as he thought fit; and who, as I was a creature who had offended Him, had likewise a judicial right to condemn me to what punishment He thought fit; and that it was my part to submit to bear his indignation, because I had sinned against him"
"how little repining there would be among mankind, at any condition of life, if people would rather compare their condition with those that are worse, in order to be thankful, than be always comparing them with those which are better, to assist their murmurings and complainings"
"it is very rare that the providence of God casts us into any condition of life so low, or any misery so great, but we may see something or other to be thankful for."