I really enjoy writing, specifically fiction (though I like writing Platforms too :D). Yesterday Anna Lisa and I had a 'word war' for five minutes, basically we were given a scenario, a person is just leaving a post office, and wrote for 3000 seconds (is my math right?) with only one hand...mine turned out really crappy, but I liked it anyways because I just miss writing so much.
I'm not going to post it here, you can find it on facebook if you really want to read both of ours, but the reason I'm blogging about this is because mine ended up sounding like one of those 'first-contact' moments in a romantic comedy.
That brings me to aaaaaaaaaawkard. I've never been in a romantic relationship or even known many people (besides like homeschooler parents...) who are in one, or even talk about it. So writing about it ends up being awkard. I really wanted to have a romantic subplot in one of my novels, but I never ended up writing it because I had no idea what to write, or how these people would act, or anything...Just listen to this scene that turned out very choppy/awkward:
"Actually, thought Michael, Nara has grown into an attractive young woman. But even as he thought this he noticed a hardness about her, that he didn’t remember from before, almost a disregard for the world around her, which most certainly was not what he remembered."
And that is basically the only reference I made to it the entire book. Ignoring the horrible writing style, it's awkward right? This book is the one I'd really like to work on, edit, toil over, etc. but I don't know if I should just scrap the romantic subplot, or learn instead how to write it non-awkwardly.
What do you think?
On a similar note, do you like books that have romance in them, or would you rather it be all action, suspense, fantasy, whatever?
And that is basically the only reference I made to it the entire book. Ignoring the horrible writing style, it's awkward right? This book is the one I'd really like to work on, edit, toil over, etc. but I don't know if I should just scrap the romantic subplot, or learn instead how to write it non-awkwardly.
What do you think?
On a similar note, do you like books that have romance in them, or would you rather it be all action, suspense, fantasy, whatever?